1. How do I purchase books from your website?

    • To purchase books, simply browse our catalog, add items to your cart, and proceed to checkout. Follow the prompts to complete your purchase securely.

  2. What payment methods do you accept?

    • We accept major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other secure payment methods for your convenience.

  3. Can I cancel or modify my order after placing it?

    • Once an order is placed, it cannot be modified. However, you may be able to cancel your order within a limited timeframe after purchase. Please contact our customer support for assistance.

  4. Do you offer international shipping?

    • Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries. Shipping costs and delivery times vary based on your location.

  5. What is your return policy?

    • We accept returns within 30 days of purchase for eligible items. Items must be in their original condition and packaging. Please refer to our Returns & Refunds policy for more details.

  6. How can I track my order?

    • Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status of your delivery.

  7. Are there any discounts or promotions available?

    • We occasionally run promotions and offer discounts on select items. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest deals.

  8. How can I contact customer support?

    • You can reach our customer support team via email at monatmedia@monatglobal.com or through our Contact Us page on the website. We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.